Bewerbung Präsidentenwahl 2023

Elisa Rusca

Dear Kolja, dear fellow AICA members from the German section,

As you are all well aware, on the 1st of November the online vote for the election for the new AICA international president will be open. The window for voting last until Nov 10th, and you will all receive a personal code to access the e-ballot platform. Please don't hesitate to contact Sonia Recasens at the Paris office ( and Anselmo Villata (, president of the EMC committee, if you don't receive your code, or if you encounter some troubles during the process. Unlike the last presidential election, this time I won't be able to assist you this process because I am running.

I am running for president because I believe I have the energy and the expertise that AICA needs in the present contemporary context. I've been a member of AICA Switzerland for 13 years and of AICA's International Board for 9 years, first as an International Board Member and then as Chair of the Digital Strategies Committee from 2015 to 2022. This experience has enabled me to meet many members and to enrich my understanding of the international scene, as well as to identify the needs of our association and of each and every one of us. An active art critic, a curator and an academic, I represent a younger generation of AICA members while acknowledging our long and rich history.

I think we need more transparency and more clarity in the management of the International office, and being a polyglot will help me in strengthening our internal communication. Our association needs to preserve the Rennes Archives for Art criticism, to develop its network for funding its activities, and to renew its bound with UNESCO. Only with a strong core we can perpetuate our present activities and imagine new territories for art criticism. If you want to know more about my application, please have a look here: here's a short video presentation that wraps it all up:
If you like, you can find my whole application, together with the letter of support from my president Samuel Herzog, on the AICA international website (, then Member access (password: AICAINT2023!) and then: Election Documents).

AICA can exist and be actively present worldwide only thanks to the voluntary efforts of each of its members. This needs to be recognised and supported, in order to promote writing and professional encounters, and to protect freedom of speech.

I will be truly delighted to work with you for the next three years.

Best regards,
Elisa Rusca

Malgorzata Kazmierczak

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen der AICA Deutschland,
ich sende Ihnen mein Präsidentschaftsprogramm und den Nominierungsbrief des Präsidenten der AICA Polen sowie ein kurzes Video
Ich habe mich mein ganzes Leben lang mit Kunst und Kunstkritik beschäftigt und an vielen gemeinnützigen Initiativen teilgenommen. Persönlich interessiere ich mich sehr für die Freiheit der Meinungsäußerung, die, wie Sie vielleicht wissen, in Polen vor allem in den letzten acht Jahren stark eingeschränkt wurde. Ich möchte Sie zu einem AICA-Webinar zu diesem Thema einladen, an dem Kollegen aus Polen, Ungarn, der Türkei und Japan sowie ein Experte des Europarats am 27. Oktober um 12 Uhr Berliner Zeit teilnehmen werden.
Ich möchte Ihnen allen danken, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, das Programm zu lesen und das Video anzusehen. Ich freue mich darauf, Sie alle in Zukunft persönlich zu treffen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Malgorzata Kazmierczak


My programme

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